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Mai precizez, prin urmare:

4. nu semnez decât cu propriul nume.

duminică, 26 octombrie 2014

Rabindranath Tagore: One Hundred Years of Global Reception

Editors:  Martin Kämpchen, Imre Bangha and Uma Das Gupta (Editorial Adviser)

Orient BlackSwan

Un volum despre receptarea lui Tagore în lume în cei 100 de ani scurși de la premiul Nobel. Cel mai amplu proiect de acest fel de până acum: 35 de capitole, cuprinzând aproape toate țările importante - mai mult de 35, căci unele capitole se ocupă de țările de limbă germană, luate împreună, de "Scandinavia", "Arab countries" sau "Spain and Latin America" etc.

ISBN: 978-81-250-5568-6
Pages: 692
Binding: Hardback
Year: 2014


When Tagore won the Nobel Prize for Literature in 1913 for his own English translation of Gitanjali (Song Offerings), he became the first non-European to do so, achieving immediate fame.Translations in other languages of this and other works followed. Reams were written on his writings, and his personality. As aworld citizen, Tagore aimed at bringing the ‘East’ and the ‘West’ together for an inclusive humanism. His was assumed to be the Voice of India—indeed of Asia and the colonised world. The Nobel Prize gave him the authority to speak, and the intellectual elite of many countries listened.

The editors of Rabindranath Tagore:  One Hundred Years of Global Reception had asked Tagore experts worldwide to narrate how the Bengali author was received from 1913 until our time. Their thirty-five essays arranged by region or language group inform us about translations, the impact of Tagore’s visits, and his subsequent standing in the world of letters. Tagore’s reception while often enthusiastic was not always adulatory, occasionally undergoing dramatic metamorphoses, and diverse political and social milieus and cultural movements responded to him differently. This nuanced global reception is for the first time dealt with comprehensively and systematically in this volume presented as a work of reference. These essays remind us that Tagore’s works keep being reprinted or retranslated for he continues to be relevant to modern readers.

Table of Contents

Preface ix

Part One:  East and South Asia

1. Japan 3
      Kyoko Niwa
2. Korea 25
      Kim Woo Jo
3. China 38
      Tan Chung and Wei Liming
4. Vietnam 57
      Do Thu Ha
5. Tibet 69
      Françoise Robin
6. Thailand 84
      Sawitree Charoenpong
7. Sri Lanka 98
       Sandagomi Coperahewa

Part Two: Middle East and Africa

8. Arab Countries 117
      Ahmad Rafeeq Awad
9. Egypt 143
       Md. Badiur Rahman
10. Turkey 162
       Laurent Mignon
11. Jewish Diaspora and the State of Israel 175
       Alexander Cherniak and Sergei Serebriany
12. Goa, Angola and Mozambique 192
      José Paz Rodriguez

Part Three: Eastern and Central Europe 

13. Russia 203
       Sergei Serebriany
14. Romania 236
       Liviu Bordaș
15. Bulgaria 263
       Nikolay Nikolaev
16. Yugoslavia and its Successors 275
       Ana Jelnikar
17. Latvia 296
       Viktors Ivbulis
18. Poland 308
       Elzbieta Walter
19. Hungary 320
       Imre Bangha
20. Czechoslovakia and its Successors 333
       Martin Hríbek

Part Four: Northern and Western Europe 

21. Finland 359
        Hannele Pohjanmies
22. Scandinavia (Denmark, Sweden and Norway) 374
        Mirja Juntunen
23. Germany, Austria and Switzerland 389
        Martin Kämpchen
24. The Netherlands and Belgium 411
        Victor A. van Bijlert
25. Italy 422
        Mario Prayer
26. France 448
        France Bhattacharya
27. Spain and Latin America 476
         Shyama Prasad Ganguly
28. Portugal and Galicia 499
        José Paz Rodriguez
29. United Kingdom 509
        Kalyan Kundu

Part Five: The Americas

30. Argentina 545
       Paula Savon and Sonia Berjman
31. Brazil 568
       José Paz Rodriguez
32. Costa Rica 577
       Sol Argüello Scriba
33. Mexico 587
        Xicoténcatl Martínez Ruiz
34. United States of America 593
       Anna Feuer
35. Canada 610
       Kathleen M. O’Connell and M. A. Serhat Unsal

Select Bibliography 631

List of Contributors and Editors 634

Index 643